You will need to bring the following items to class. A Fine Art Class Kit maybe purchased that includes all the starred (*) items. The kit contains the 4 main colors used in most paintings, 2 9”x12” canvases, the 2 brushes & a pallete knife in a carrying case. (The kit cost less than purchased all separately.) Additional items needed may be purchased in the Art Department at Michaels. Please see a Michaels Associate for details or help.
Paints- Academy Acrylics
Brushes- Bristlette brand
Titanium White*

*Filbert #8 upc 014173360359
Cad Red Light*

*Round #2 upc 014173355737
Ultramarine Blue* Thin liner brush
Cad Yellow Medium*

*Small bent palette knife (plastic set is ok)

11x14” canvas or canvas board
Cerulean Blue bristle brushes (cleaar plastic tube of 18 brushes with a canvas brush holder)
Paynes Grey
If you have some small flats (#2 or 4) , filberts, etc
Hooker’s Green please bring them.
Burnt Umber
Also Bring:
paper towels, pen & notepad, tape, strathmore yellow palette paper pad made for acrylics, small spray misting bottle, graphite paper, a stylus. *Please wipe off the black side of the graphite paper realllllly well before class.
** For up to date info on my classes, email me and I will add you to my painters email list:
[email protected] "subject line: add me to painting list." I send out an occasional email to announce new classes etc. Thanks! Pam