Sunflowers and Blue.
9/23 Wed. 5:30-8:30
You will need to bring the following items to class:. A Grumbacher Fine Art Class Kit . The kit contains the 4 main colors used in most paintings, 2 9”x12” canvases,( I suggest: 11x14” canvas!) the 2 brushes & a pallete knife in a carrying case. (The kit cost less than purchased all separately & you can use a coupon on it.) Additional items may be needed.
Paints- Grumbacher Academy Acrylics
Titanium White* (*in kit)

Ultramarine Blue*
Cad Yellow Medium*
Bring: YOUR RECEIPT & paper towels,
Also suggest these items:yellow Strathmore Palette Paper Pad made for acrylics , tape, black graphite paper, a stylus. **Before class please wipe off the darker side of your graphite paper really well with paper towel or tissues.
**If you wish to get information about upcoming classes, send Pam your email. (subject”Add me to paint list”) Pam Miller [email protected] 309-253-1789
~~Please come early and be set up for painting by the time class begins.
*Filbert #8 upc 014173360359 (*in kit)
*Round #2 upc 014173355737
Also I suggest:
Thin liner brush about ½” long. (a 10/0 or 20/0 is good.)
Small bent palette knife (plastic set is ok)
Round BRISTLE brush set –in plastic tube of 20
brushes w/canvas holder
9x12 or 11”x 14” canvas
---Bring any other brushes you have at home: Small flats, Small rounds, angels, filberts, fan, etc.
Additional grumbacher paints suggested:
Raw Sienna
Sap Green (or Hookers green)
Paynes grey
Cadmium Orange
Burnt Umber